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Writer's pictureKrystal Tubbs

The stories we tell ourselves

Can we talk about stories for a second? It may sound weird… but hear me out.

As humans, our lives are built around stories. The ones we are told. The ones we see around us. The ones we tell ourselves. Our lives are created and made through our ability to tell a story. You could think of it like this: our ego is the manifestation of the story that we create of ourselves.

This really came to a head for me the other day because I was knee-deep in my own story. I was so far into it that I lost myself for a while. Honestly, I did that on purpose, because my personal story is one that is devoid of personal power. Nothing in my old story allowed me to change and become a new person. I had to be in it so I could see it for what it was which enabled me to let it go.

I let myself feel helpless. Like a victim. Like there was no hope. Like the best decision, I could make was to end it all.

It was hard… I’ll be honest. Part of me kept telling me the disempowering story. Another part of me kept telling me all the reasons it wasn’t true and that things would get better. And another part just watched it all play out like it was watching this internal battle ensue.

As I started to calm down, I got this feeling that there was a message waiting for me on Facebook, which is when this gem of a quote popped up.

We have to remember to look beyond where we are because where we are is not nearly as important as where we're going. If we focus on where we are, we'll stay there. The key is to focus on where we're going. Look towards the future you want and you'll create it.

I read that and everything clicked. I was stuck in the story of my past, not focused on anything in the present or the future. I had trapped myself in this endless cycle, it was like a riptide that kept pulling me under over and over again, and all I had to do was let it go. I had to release the idea that the disempowering story was the only one I could tell myself. The only one that could be true.

Here is the thing, through all that I really understood that we are just the stories we tell ourselves. The stories we tell ourselves are our perceptions, how we see the world. If we want to have a different life then we need to tell ourselves a different story. It’s simple, but I can tell you from experience that it isn’t easy.

If we want to change our lives, we have to be willing to be wrong. We have to be willing to see things from a different perspective. We have to be willing.

And that’s it. We have to be willing. Being willing to change, being open to change, is the first step for us to start moving into a different story.

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