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Writer's pictureKrystal Tubbs

The choice we have between fear and love

Updated: Nov 12, 2019

There is only one thing you need to remember as you walk through life, and that there is only fear and love. The way we live our lives, the choices we make, they all come from those two places. You can switch out the words if you want, lack and abundance, hope and depression, etc. but it all comes down to the same choice, the same perspective.

"The most important decision we can make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe." Albert Einstein

Do we live in a world, a universe, a life, where we are fully supported in every decision we make, or do we live in a world where shit happens then you die?

It’s funny, I’ve lived in the shit world. It got me pretty much nowhere fast. I hated every job, I didn’t get paid much, I felt as if I couldn’t do anything. Like I was trapped in the movie Groundhog Day – and really, I was. Every day I would vomit up the same amount of unhappiness to everyone around me go to bed and then do it again the next day.

But as I’ve started to live my life the other way. As I’ve started to focus not on the outside but on the inside, amazing things have happened to me. A trip to London with my cousin. Radical perspective shifts. Profound inner healing experiences. I made myself a space for something bigger than myself to come in …and it has.

I have worked to relinquish control of my life because I have no control. My boss messaged me on Tuesday telling me she wasn’t going to be able to keep me on at the same hourly rate after two weeks. Two days later she said everything was fine. I have zero control over that, but what I do have is my ability to stand steadfast in the center of my being knowing that this is just an opportunity to shift my life into something else. I was on a clear path, but now I’m standing at a fork in the road with millions of possible paths, trillions even.

It’s literally all a matter of perspective. We have to choose how we see the world and how we want to live in it. We have to make a choice on whether or not we are supported in our lives and being guided toward something greater than we can possibly imagine, or if we’re stuck in the shit hole that we will never get out of.

The choice is always there, always available. All we have to do is choose.

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