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Writer's pictureKrystal Tubbs

The beautiful dance of expansion and co-creation

There was a moment in meditation today where I saw myself growing and expanding. I’m sorry, that’s a little esoteric, let me explain.

I saw myself driving across the country. I saw myself writing every day. I saw myself running every day. I saw myself meeting new people. I saw myself learning the guitar. I saw myself meeting all my friends across the country. I saw myself taking pictures every day. I saw myself learning, growing, and expanding.

I felt so free in that premonition.

As I let the wheels turn in this reality I felt all the power in the universe converging to create it. I let go of what, where, why, when, and how it would happen. I said that I trust divine guidance and timing that when it’s time all things will happen that need to happen.

As I said that I realized that I can start so much of this now. I don’t need to wait for this moment of convergence to start. I will start today. I will start right now.

Here is the thing, the universe won’t give you what you’re not ready for. So, if I’m not willing to start creating the life I want right now why would it give me the life I visioned in my meditation?

We are not islands. We are the universe. We are co-creators of our reality in every moment.

I get it. I didn’t before, but this morning I get it.

What I am learning as I become more aware is that there is a HUGE difference between understanding things intellectually, and really understanding them within your body. Really feeling yourself expanding. Really feeling the safety of who you are.

I am so thankful to be awake. So thankful to have woken. So thankful that I can help others do the same.

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