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Writer's pictureKrystal Tubbs

Creating life from a foundation of happiness

Can I talk about life for a second? Can I talk about the life I want to create for myself? I’ve been kind of avoiding this because I almost feel like there is too much focus on it. I can’t tell you how many ads I see on my social media about the law of attraction and creating the money you want, but very little about creating the life you want.

I live in the U.S. but I feel that this is applicable to anyone living in a country where capitalism has taken a firm hold – we equate a good life with a lot of financial abundance. We focus entirely on getting money because society has taught us that money is the thing that will solve all of our problems, bring us happiness, and create security. It’s no wonder that almost every LOA ad I see is focused on getting people more money. It’s what we think we want. It’s what I thought I wanted for a long time.

I, like most of society, thought that money was the thing that would solve every single one of my problems. Every. Single. One. If I had more money I wouldn’t be depressed. I wouldn’t be stressed out. I would be happy. I would be healthy. I would have more time. I would… I would… I would… I literally gave way all my power to money thinking that without it I couldn’t be the person I wanted to be.

The problem was if I got it I couldn’t hold onto it or I couldn’t get it at all. I kept desperately trying to grasp at money hoping it would come to me, but I could never really create it, manifest it, or make it on my own. I was like Wile E Coyote trying to catch the Road Runner, that shit wasn’t happening.

Fast forward to January, where I lost my job and I decided to start all the things I had been putting off – my podcast, writing my blog more consistently, more poetry, more of the things that bring me joy, and you know what, I’m fucking happy. I was just sitting in bed the other night and I felt so happy and peaceful in a way that I have never have in my life.

And you know what? I don’t have enough money coming in to pay my bills.

I’m literally broke, and I’m happy. Money has nothing to do with me being happy right now. Can you believe that? Can you feel that? I think it’s the lesson that the Universe has been trying to teach me for a long time but until now I hadn’t been listening. I can have bill collectors calling me and I can still be happy. I can be homeless and living on the streets and still be happy.

I can be happy, and my circumstances have nothing to do with it.

So, what does this actually mean? It means that I’m shifting my perception.

What is my future? What do I want my life to look like in a year? I want to be so excitedly happy that money is just coming to me because I am supported in doing what I love to do. Money is an object that comes to me effortlessly because I am in alignment with it, not chasing after it as if my life depends on it.

And yes, I get it. My bills and rent are real. I am not denying that. I’m not even denying that I need money to survive. What I’m understanding is that money doesn’t bring me anything I didn’t already have. Money won’t solve my problems or make me happy. Money only has the power and beliefs that we give it.

What do I believe about money? I believe it comes to me effortlessly because I am supported in walking my path of happiness and joy. I believe the money will help me spread my joy and happiness, but it’s not the source of it. I believe I will have no problem doing the things I love because the money will follow. I believe that the more fun I’m having the more money will come to me.

This life was not meant to be a slow slog to the grave. We aren’t here to work ourselves to death. We’re here to be alive, fully and unapologetically. We are here to show up as our authentic selves and bask in all the ways we are unique. Celebrate each other. Love each other. Support each other.

Some days it’s hard, it’s so fucking hard, but in the end, we are here to experience what it means to be fully human, with all of its ups and downs and at the end of the day, let them go and know that we are loved, we are safe, and we have the choice to make… be happy now or not.

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